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Best Creations
Custom Pop-Up Animation for Web Page
Custom Hover Animation on hover effect on the social media icons using flutter
Flutter Web app DashBoard
A custom progressive app that looks like a project management web app with a progress animation. page
Responsive Navigation Bar like Bootstrap
This nav bar can have N - number of element with a smooth transition on mobile screen with all tha responsiveness.
Url_Navigation in Flutter using Fluro
lets see how to do Web like URL navigation with and without parameter attached to URL in Flutter Web Apps using Fluro package
Responsive dropdown Navigation Bar
A navigation menu with custom hover effect looks for a page view which looks like a drop down navigation bar.
How to make a Simple Web App using Flutter
Simple scrollable web page which look like a simple portfolio , which is completely responsive website.
Animated expanding search bar in flutter
This search bar can be used in both web and mobiles inbuild with a onTap() expand functionality.
Creative Checklist with animated Strike out in flutter
To create a creative and good looking ToDo list(Checklist) by using flutter without using any third-party package.
Custom hover stroke animation in flutter Web
To create a animation based on stroke line for the buttons present in the web page. This animation is made with Flutter Web
Best Effects in Flutter web
Custom hover stroke animation in flutter Web
To create a animation based on stroke line for the buttons present in the web page. This animation is made with Flutter Web